Don't worry, i HAVE had permission do do a bit of eddsworld animation and stuff, so you don't have to go running to edd complaining "OH edd oh edd, TimtheHue has copied your oh so mighty flash animation, i will stand here and suck up to you, OH EDD!"
Yes anyways, My brother has been hacking into my account somehow and saying thing he shouldn't even know about, so if you want to complain about ME, then truly complain about Tom (my bro's name)!!
Unless of course you're complaining about my animation then get bent!!!
No seriously, i like to have a little constructive critisism thrown my way!
And YES there IS a DIFFERENCE between cronstructive critisism and harrassment, so don't get the two mixed up!!!
anyway, here's another preview tih more coming your way soon....
(or should i say in about five seconds?)
-Charlie out!!!
did eddsworld draw that or.
this is awesome i cant wait i cant wait i cant waaaaahhheeeit!!!!!!!
no i drew that :D
lol, i don't wanna wait either waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!
Why can't it vreate itself?
anyways, i'm yet again doing another flash instead of working on this...
you're pretty pinged hey?
but don't worry, i will come around to doing stuff on this